Read and write speeds up to 100 and 80 MB/s respectively *Speed may vary due to host and device configuration
5-year limited manufacturer warranty
For a complimentary Product Condition and Compatibility Check or Technical Support Service, click on 'Sold by Silicon Power USA Inc.' and then select the 'Ask a question' button.
Note: The actual storage capacity displayed by a device's operating system may be less than the capacity indicated on the product label due to varying measurement standards. The available storage capacity exceeds 460GB.
Product Condition Warranty: If the product the customer receives is determined to be "Used" or "not New," we will offer a free replacement and return labels. To request a replacement, please give your order ID and ship-to address to our customer service team. Refer to the Warranty Statement on the product detail page for more information.
Equipped with an automatic error correction code (ECC) function
512GB High Speed MicroSD Memory Card with Adapter for Android Devices
Read and write speeds up to 100 and 80 MB/s respectively *Speed may vary due to host and device configuration
5-year limited manufacturer warranty
For a complimentary Product Condition and Compatibility Check or Technical Support Service, click on 'Sold by Silicon Power USA Inc.' and then select the 'Ask a question' button.
Note: The actual storage capacity displayed by a device's operating system may be less than the capacity indicated on the product label due to varying measurement standards. The available storage capacity exceeds 460GB.
Product Condition Warranty: If the product the customer receives is determined to be "Used" or "not New," we will offer a free replacement and return labels. To request a replacement, please give your order ID and ship-to address to our customer service team. Refer to the Warranty Statement on the product detail page for more information.
Equipped with an automatic error correction code (ECC) function